Probably the most read post on this blog is about sprite packing in Python, here. At the time I didn’t have a github account and was planning to make a small desktop application out of…
Browsing Category Python
Snurtle and My Greatest Contribution to Mathematics, Such That It Was
This summer coming up will be 20 years since the summer after I graduated from college. I’m currently in that golden period in between software jobs — starting a new one in March — and,…
Marble Madness Madness recently linked to this video about the making of Marble Madness, which got me thinking about the raster-to-vector via contour extraction script I wrote in Python last year and the fact that, it being…
Sprite Packing in Python…
(update: newer version mentioned in comments is on github here.) I’ve been working on my puzzle game Syzygy again, after a long hiatus, and am now writing to iOS/cocos2d-x rather than just working on the…