Below is gameplay video of a prototype of the puzzle game “Draak” that I am working on. Draak will be an iPad-only iOS game; the prototype below is written to Windows in C# on top…
Browsing Category Vector Graphics
Beziers in EscherDraw Video
Creating the draak logo in EscherDraw with bezier curves:
My Code for Doing Two Things That Sooner or Later You Will Want to do with Bezier Curves
I just added full cubic bezier curve support to the vector tessellation creation tool I am developing (see here). I’ll include some video at a later date (Update: here) showing this feature in action but first I want…
An Application for Creating Novel Escher-like Tessellations of the Plane
Over the past several weeks I have been investigating desktop applications for creating novel Escher-like tilings of the plane. Basically I’ve determined that none of what is publicly available is useful to me. The game I have in…
Snurtle and My Greatest Contribution to Mathematics, Such That It Was
This summer coming up will be 20 years since the summer after I graduated from college. I’m currently in that golden period in between software jobs — starting a new one in March — and,…
The World’s Simplest 2D Curve Library
For the game I’m working on I need to have sprites that travel along curving paths. I’m talking about the sprites traveling along somewhat arbitrary curves, meaning curves that look good, not curves that result…
Marble Madness Madness recently linked to this video about the making of Marble Madness, which got me thinking about the raster-to-vector via contour extraction script I wrote in Python last year and the fact that, it being…