Basic signals & slots in C++

I put up some code on github that implements basic signals and slots functionality using standards compliant C++. It’s one header file “signals.hpp”. See here: link to github

This implementation of signals is a re-work of some code by a user _pi on the forums for the cross-platform application framework Juce — that thread is here — which was itself a re-work of some example code posted by Aardvajk in the forums (here). I just put it all together, cleaned things up, fixed some bugs, and added lambda support.

The basic idea is that given variadic templates being added to C++ it became possible for a more straight-forward implementation of signal and slot functionality beyond what was done for boost::signals et. al. — that is what Aardvajk’s original article was about. _pi changed Aardvajk’s code to make it such that slots are a thing you inherit from, which makes more sense to me. I changed _pi’s code so that it uses std::functions to store the handlers thus allowing lambdas with captures to be attached to a signal.

Usage is like the following:

#include "signals.hpp"
#include <iostream>

// a handler is a kind of slot, that, as an implementation detail, requires usage of the
// "curiously recurring template pattern". That is, the intention is for instances of
// a class C that will react to a signal firing to have an is-a relationship with a slot 
// parametrized on class C itself.

class CharacterHandler : public Slot<CharacterHandler>
	void HandleCharacter(char c)
		std::cout << "The user entered '" << c << "'" << std::endl;

class DigitHandler : public Slot<DigitHandler>
	void HandleCharacter(char c)
		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
			int n = static_cast<int>(c - '0');
			std::cout << "  " << n << " * " << n << " = " << n*n << std::endl;

int main()
	bool done = false;

	char c;
	Signal<char> signal;
	CharacterHandler character_handler;
	DigitHandler digit_handler;

	// can attach a signal to a slot with matching arguments
	signal.connect(character_handler, &CharacterHandler::HandleCharacter);

	// can also attach a lambda, associated with a slot.
	// (the lambda could capture the slot and use it like anything else it captures
	// however technically all the associated slot is doing is allowing you to have
	// a way of disconnecting the lambda e.g. in this case signal.disconnect(characterHandler)
		[&](char c) -> void {
			if (c == 'q')
				done = true;

	// can also attach a slot to a signal ... this means the same as the above.
	digit_handler.connect(signal, &DigitHandler::HandleCharacter);

		std::cin >> c;;

	} while (! done);
	// can disconnect like this

	// or this

	//although disconnecting wasnt necessary here in that just gaving everything go out of scope
	// wouldve done the right thing.

    return 0;

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