I’ve been working on a domain specific language called “Tessera” for defining tilings of the plane and rendering them to SVG. It is particularly suited for tilings with a recursive structure, typically aperiodic tilings. For…
Browsing Category C++
Quintics Redux
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about finding the closest point on a cubic bezier to a given point in which I showed how to reduce the problem to solving a…
Basic signals & slots in C++
I put up some code on github that implements basic signals and slots functionality using standards compliant C++. It’s one header file “signals.hpp”. See here: link to github This implementation of signals is a re-work…
Mean Shift Segmentation in OpenCV
I’ve posted a new repository on GitHub for doing mean shift segmentation in C++ using OpenCV: see here. OpenCV contains a mean shift filtering function and has a GPU, I think CUDA, implementation of mean…
Floodfilling in OpenCV with multiple seeds
One irritating thing about OpenCV is that as a computer vision library it doesn’t actually offer a lot of routines for dealing with connected components easily and efficiently. There’s cv::findContours and two versions of cv::connectedComponents…
Jesus Christ, internet…
Center window on primary screen — Win32, C/C++ — below, featuring workiness. Our long national nightmare is now over:
How to Convert a GDI+ Image to an OpenCV Matrix in C++…
You have to convert the gdi+ image to a gdi+ bitmap and then to an OpenCV matrix. There is no easier way to do the first conversion than creating a bitmap and painting the image…